Community Health Assessment (CHA)

The El Paso County Health Indicators 2017 Report, also referred to as the Community Health Assessment, provides a comprehensive look at the overall health status of our community. This report represents many months of careful and systematic review of data that tells the story about the health of people in our community. The information updates our residents about health issues that cause illness, injury, loss of quality of life, and death in El Paso County. El Paso County Public Health collected and analyzed data to assess the county’s “health” using indicators that align with Colorado’s 10 Winnable Battles.

El Paso County Public Health acknowledges that generations-long social, economic, and environmental inequities result in adverse health outcomes. They affect communities differently and have a greater influence on health outcomes than either individual choices or one’s ability to access health care. The report also provides demographic and socioeconomic data about El Paso County and seeks to add context about how systems such as the built environment, access to health care, and the social determinants of health impact the health data. Some examples of the social determinants of health include: the safety of workplaces, the cleanliness of air and water, access to quality, affordable child care, access to healthy food choices, and access to safe spaces for physical activity.