A Day in the Life

It’s morning, and the first rays of sunlight stream through your open window. You breathe deeply and enjoy the clean Colorado air. You’re thankful that public health monitors air quality and creates clean air programs to protect the air you breathe.

As you get your family ready for the day, you prepare your children a healthy breakfast of fruit, whole grain bread and peanut butter. You’re grateful to Public Health’s Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program for making it possible for your family to afford healthy foods. WIC also offers nutrition education, even giving you tips on how to get your kiddos to eat more fruits and veggies. They also opened a new clinic right up the street from your house, making it easier to get to and from appointments.

As you head to work, you stop and pick up an egg sandwich at your favorite coffee shop. You know the coffee shop is a safe place to eat because the local health department inspectors have scored 95 out of 100 possible points, assuring food safety standards have been met.

Work has been a bit busy lately, but you’re working on ways to manage your stress. When lunchtime comes around, you lace up your tennis shoes and head out for a brisk walk with colleagues. In addition to supporting your fitness goals, the exercise also helps reduce stress, while the time spent with your colleagues increases feelings of connection. Public health studies have shown that people who exercise regularly live longer and healthier lives, with less chronic disease.

After work you head home and eat a meal together with your loved ones. You remind your family to wash their hands before eating to help prevent the spread of germs. After dinner, your kiddos want to ride their bikes. You remind them to wear their helmets, as you recall a recent public health campaign which shared tips on how to reduce the risk of injuries.

As your family goes to sleep and the moon glows over the Rocky Mountains, you lie in bed and reflect on how public health has touched your lives in countless ways today, working behind the scenes to promote and protect the health of you, your loved ones, and your community.